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Membership Information

Membership Overview

​Becoming a member at Kimberton Fish & Game Association has many benefits.  We encourage our community of members to promote a wide range of shooting sports, firearms safety and community involvement while providing a place where members of every skill level can practice and train in the disciplines of both firearms and archery activities. 


We limit the total number of active members in order to maintain the club facilities, allow members to have a safe experience while at the club, as well as consideration for our neighbors while keeping our ranges open without crowding.


We determine the number of new member positions based on the number of vacancies we have, or anticipate.  We award new memberships based on current members sponsorship, demonstrated firearms safety and successful completion of range orientation as conducted by the Orientation and Training Committee. 


If you are considering application for membership and you are not experienced with firearms, we suggest taking a firearms safety and training course at a local public range.  To become a member you will need a firearm, you will need to be familiar with it and comfortable using it safely.  You will need ammunition to practice and demonstrate your ability to use it.


Membership vacancies are announced at the general membership meetings starting in February. New member applications will be available at the monthly general membership meetings and are processed in the order they are received until vacancies have been filled.

Membership Requirements

Membership at Kimberton Fish & Game Association requires candidates be “sponsored” by a current member.  The purpose of a sponsor is that an existing member in good standing knows you and is willing to vouch for you being a candidate for a good member, a safe shooter, are trustworthy, etc.  Randomly finding a sponsor or someone to submit the application with you simply to fulfill that requirement is not the point and will not satisfy the intent of our Constitution.  If you want to be considered for membership, please identify a person who will refer you as having those qualifications.  We have many activities and events that are open to the public, this is an easy way to meet people, shoot, make friends and seek a sponsor. 


Candidates and the sponsor must attend the General Membership meetings in person to submit and complete the application.

Memberships will be awarded on a first come first served basis until the membership is full.  We do not retain a waiting list. Failure to attend your scheduled orientation will result in forfeiture of your spot in the application order and the next waiting candidate will be notified. To become a member at Kimberton you also need to be an active member of the NRA.


Membership information is available in person at the General Membership meetings held on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM.  Prospective members may come to the meetings with their sponsor. Attending the meetings will allow you to familiarize yourself with the club and members.  The sponsor must nominate the candidate at a General Membership meeting.  

Membership Categories

Full Members: Adults age of 18 and older, who pay the full annual fee have complete access to the property from dawn to dusk, are able to attend every event, vote in annual elections and run for board positions. Annual dues $100.


Joint Members: Both individuals must be at least 19 years of age and live at the same address, be a married couple or unmarried couple living together in a long-term relationship that resembles a marriage.  Joint members are considered Full members but receive a discounted dues rate. Annual dues $50.


Junior Member: Members under the age of 18, who are related to a Full member. Junior members may access club property WITH an full or joint member, but are not able to vote in the general elections or on member topics that affect the club. Annual dues $25.


Senior Members: This category is closed to new membership. Existing senior members are full members with full rights. Annual renewal dues $40, existing members are grandfathered and may renew.


Life member: Adult members in good standing for (5) consecutive years must apply to the Board of Directors, there is a one-time fee of $1000. Existing Life Members still renew annually but pay no fees.


Current Full members may obtain board approved work credit at a rate of $10 per hour. A club embossed “chit” will be issued for this credit. A maximum of 5 chits per member per year may be applied towards your membership dues. Joint, Life and Junior members are not eligible for this program. It is your responsibility to ask for the chits when completing a project and then mail them  with your due’s payment. If you renew online, you simply pay the full renewal fee, and we will issue a refund for the credit you submit.

Existing Member Renewals

Membership renewals are accepted from September 1 to December 31 each year. If you are a current member in good standing you will receive an invoice via email in September which can be paid online. Starting November 1 any renewal that is not paid prior will be mailed a paper renewal packet. Any renewals that are not paid by midnight of December 31 will be forfeited.

New Membership Applications

Existing Members in good standing may sponsor one candidate per calendar year. Every new member candidate must be sponsored by an Existing Member in good standing. The application process may include a background check and applicants must provide a current NRA Membership number. Full Member dues are $100 / yr. plus a one-time $50 initiation fee. The candidate AND THE SPONSOR must attend the orientation meeting together at a future date. 


If vacancies are announced at the general membership meeting then applications and payments will be accepted in-person at subsequent General Membership Meetings. Payments are not required with the application, but will be required at the successful completion of the Orientation. Failure to attend the Orientation with your sponsor will forfeit your application.  Applications are taken in the order they are received until the vacancies have been filled.  

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